You can also enjoy it hot
From the previous day, we beat the kakoule, the mastic tears, the machete and the sage in the mortar.
At a very low temperature, heat the milk with the mixture from the mortar (we can have them in a tulle, so that they can be easily removed), to help bring out its aromas. Put them in the fridge and leave them overnight
The next day, remove the herbs and spices
Beat the remaining mastic in the mortar very well until it dissolves (preferably with a spoonful of sugar)
Mix very well with the rest of the sugar.
In a saucepan, boiling over medium heat, put the rice, coconut milk, milk, sugar and cinnamon stick, which we cook for 10 minutes
Once it cooks, lower the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly so that the milk does not burn at the bottom of the pot.
Add water, as needed, in portions and mix
Once the rice milk starts to coagulate, add the salt flower and stir
We want our dessert to be moist, so that the bun absorbs moisture if we use it
Remove from the heat and divide it into bowls
Serve with a little coconut and cinnamon
225 g Arborio rice or other rice for risotto
250-500 ml lukewarm water (as much as needed)
500 ml milk, 3,5%
400 ml coconut milk
175 g granulated sugar
1/3 teaspoon mastic
4-6 cardamom pods (depending on size)
1 small stick of cinnamon
8-10 g ground mahlep
1 teaspoon dried sage
coconut shavings for garnish
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 pinch of salt flakes